
Date: 8/29/2010

street rap....explained

lets start with some pleasentries and there explanations..YEAH BLAAD WHA'GWAAN (hello friend how are you) WOT DA DRILLY CUZ (what are you up to?) IM ALL ABOUT DA P'S (i like to make money) DAT WAS BARE JOKEZ(that was very funny)...see bare means very but can also mean 'lots of' YEAH I GOT BARE GOLD ON MA WATCH BRUV. so positives and negatives need to be NANG, SIK, BASH AND SHABBY are all good...DEEP thats good, but can mean sad..and WAK, WASTE, BUG AND SWAG are all bad!..Now u wanna describe the day u may have had?? heres some storytelling embellishments u can add...I SWITCHED ON IM BLOOD (i went a bit mad) I SPARKED HIM IN THE GRILL THEN I BOUNCED IN THE WHIP (i hit him in the face then i fled in my car) IT WAS A MINOR TING (it wasnt very hard) I LINKED ONE GASH (i met a young lass) I WORKED THAT NICE (we had sex alright) TRUS, I BUST A NUT AN IM AUDI (i ejaculated loudly and walked off proudly)....see there's so many charming phrases...that you might miss if they arent translated....from the opaque to the lets try an analyse the following statement....MOVE TO ME BLUD AND YA CLIQUE GETS SHANKED...WOT DA RAAS CLAA DID IS BIG FINGS FAC...IN A BASHMENT SHUNG TING AND A GAT...DUCKIN FIVE-O BURNIN PUNK LIKE BRAAAP! (if we ever come to blows then i may have a knife...what the bloody hell, this is how i live my a soiree with a lady and a gun...avoiding the police, smoking drugs having fun) and thats street rap slang 101
