
Date: 8/29/2010

poilitical correctness

..I just dont understand it!! i was talking to a friend of a friend at the pub the other day and she went absolutely berserk at me! all i said to her was...that you have to consider gods existance when you can see all these beautiful things around a tree or a flower or a bird.........with huge jugs! ...oooh she was mad..even though i only said it as a joke. i apologised and we actually started getting on really well. The convo came around to love,...and i said to her that what fascinates me about love is that i can meet a girl, fall in love and think this is my ideal partner, and id never get over this person...then in time you split up, you get over them, you meet someone else and soon realise that this new person is so much better for you, and u realise that the last person was nothing!....anyone relate to that?....but then you split up with them and think u wont get over them, but you do and u meet someone else..and its better again and the new person makes u realise that the last person was nothing....and this happens again and again and again...and i just think to myself....How much bigger can these girls tits get! She didn't like that very much either.
