
Date: 8/25/2010

sluts vs studs

I've got a theory...every single time a man sleeps with a lot of women, hes called a stud......but if a woman sleeps with a lot of men, she's called a slut...and people think this is unfair! naaah.....its completely fair, and this is why...It's fuckin' easy to be a's fuckin' haaaaaard to be a stud! T o be a stud u have to be witty, charming, well dressed, nice shoes n a fake job....To be a slut you just have to be...THERE. There's fat ugly sluts out there, theres no fat ugly studs!....i've met slutty dwarfs before,...i've never met a stud dwarf!...well maybe in their own realm, but none that have crossed over to our world.
