
Date: 9/6/2010

Journalism and acronyms

I was reading an artical today in the Daily Mail, where it stated someone had died from the HIV virus....Now my first gripe is that no one dies from the virus, they die from AIDS...and secondy..what the fuck is the HIV virus? Surely the idea of abbreviations is that it limits the phrase down to the initial the HIV Virus, would be the Human immunodeficiency virus virus! wtf is that, a double virus?? These are people that write for a living, they should know this...I've got gcse english and even I can see that its incorrect! its called redundant acronym syndrome and it does my head in......another commen one is "pin" numbers..u know like the ones you get on your bank cards....i can say i know everyones pin number...its 4! and thats because a pin number is the amount of numbers on the pin...a pin number will be a personal identification number number!! wtf is one of them? i once heard a mate say hed forgot his personal pin number....thats a personal personal identification number number u FUCKING RETARD! no wonder he forgot, his heads all full of words he dont even need!...something for you all to think about on the way to the ATM machine maybe....
