
Date: 9/6/2010

winners and losers

One character trait i hate about myself is that, like many other Brits...Im very cynical...and thats a bad thing, cuz cynisism, acts as a barrier to understanding...and that precludes knowledge....and with knowledge we can tear down barriers and stop taking people for way to explain might be if you see a guy going down street in a rolls a non cynicist will see it and think "hmmm that guy must be doing well for himself" whilst i'll see it and think.."look at that nobhead"....cuz i dont like winners...and i think i speak for the nation on that...but we also dont like losers!...our love of the plucky English failure seemed to disappear with Eddie the Eagle....but, we ESPECIALLY dont like people that are winners AND losers......People who take pride in things that we dont rate, are lowest of the low!...for example..chess champions are winners and losers...anyone that wears a badge they won in a competition are winners and losers...people that win a grabby toy at a fair and give it to a new date..are a winners and losers....people that come first in reality tv shows are winners and losers....anyone that can correctly guess a womans age is a winner and a loser....people that know where to stand on a train platform so that the door opens right in front of them...are winners and losers......suicide bombers are winners and losers...i am sure there are many more...feel free to add them in the comments
